About Aisling

Skill setMy name is Aisling - I am a freelance web developer and designer hybrid. I have solid experience in quite a few languages - HTML5, CSS3, PHP, JavaScript and ASP.net. Since my introduction to the wonders of building web pages as a teenager, my love for the web has flourished.

I do have a very strong creative side. Coming from a family of artists, musicians, and designers, it comes quite naturally. When I began using photoshop and developing webpages, my two passions came together - artistic creativity and the internet. This combination of creativity and programming knowledge is the key to not only my success, but that of your company.

You see, your internet identity can only go as far as your web developer can take it. Yes, a web designer can design you a great page, but will it give you the functionality that you and your audience requires? And yes, a web developer can create web programs to help you save time and money, but how will your business survive without a refined web identity? This is where a hybrid designer & developer like myself comes in. I can take you from point A (conceptual design) to point B (a fully functioning, useful website).

Currently, I am accepting small freelance projects while I am in school upgrading my skills. My aspiration is to be a User Interface (UI) Developer.

Have questions? Feel free to contact me at anytime! I'm here to help you bring your web identity into fruition.

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